Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

A Walk in the Clouds, my favorite movie ever :D

. . .

i'm lost..
feel lost in out of space. float in a middle of nowhere..

i think it just for awhile, but i was wrong,
it stay at there, till i cant stand no more.
i'm drowing in tears.
leave me in a middle.

i want to be free from all this feeling,
i want to let it go,
but when i think i ready for it,
i fall again.

leavin it.
i want to leavin all of this.
i think i can.
i'll try it.
i want to be free from :

my past...

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

my review :)

PS, I Love YouPS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

this book makes me cry, and then laugh, cry again and smile..

i just cant imagine how its like if the one that i love pass away just like gerry.
read this book, makes me learn about something.
and surely i cant forget about this book..

easy to read, make p.s. i love you become one of my favorite book :)

you have to read this.
because it can make you cry till laugh and cry again.
enjoy the book!

View all my reviews

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

my thought

i think life is just a game.
a game that has arranged by GOD.
we just have to play our part.

how we run our part is depend on us.
what character that we have play is ours too..

will we use our mask or we just play the game as our self??
just up to you.

sometimes, i just wonder how it feel to play our game with mask.
how does it feel?

do they not feel tired? for me, not become our self when we do something is the hardest thing to do.
my heart feel exhausted everytime i try to wear the mask when i play my own part.

in life, people come and go with easily.
troubles, happiness, sadness even a bad luck.
a wheel of live is always turn up and down.
so, if they always use the mask, what happend with their real face?

i dont know how to answer it,
maybe you know, and can tell me what the answer.


my review :)

Kok Putusin Gue? Kok Putusin Gue? by Ninit Yunita

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

kok putusin gue? bisa dibilang cerita yang cocok banget dibaca ma orang yang lagi patah hati (sorry boys, girls only!). this bool gave so many good tips and great advice.

rasanya dikhianati itu emang sakit banget. itu yang dirasakan sang tokoh utama di novel ini. rasa sakit yang dirasakan maya terasa nyata banget. (4 thumbs up 4 ninit yunita)

dan satu hal yang dipelajari dari buku ini,
ternyata untuk merelakan dan menerima kenyataan yang ada, itu hal paling sulit untuk dilakukan.

makasi buat ninit yunita atas bukunya.
it helps me mend my broken hearted..

View all my reviews

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010


people need motivation when all time low..

they looking so many why, how,
how to convince their self to believe that all the thing happend with GOD arranged it.
many people want to believe it.
and try very harder to accept this.
but everytime they get that probs, they ask again.

they think its unfair to them,
they deserve much better than this.
and so.. and so..

they think in selfish way, they angry to GOD,
and cry out loud when condition going bad.

blame the situation, blame everyone in surround them.

and grumble again,
say so many IF, so many SHOULD

who are they??
i just know by now

they are us.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

my review book

Laskar Pelangi (Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi, Buku 1)Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

i think this book is quite good.
i got a little bored to read this.
because there a word that i cant understand, and andrea use a lot of scientific sentences.
if you never come to indonesia, especially to Belitong (Bangka Belitong provence) dont worry, because you can imagine how Belitong look like after you read this book.

but overall, this book is interesting for me.

View all my reviews


Pernah gak merasa hati kamu sakit tiba-tiba? Gak ada angin, gak ada hujan, bahkan gak ada angin sekalipun, tiba-tiba.. jleb! Sakit dan merasa pengen nangis.
Itu yang aku alami beberapa waktu belakangan ini.
Padahal aku gak ada masalah ma perasaan belakangan ini,
Well, bukan masalah yang nyangkut perasaan cinta sih.
Karena gak ada masalah apa pun dengan percintaan saya. #ngeles.

Sakit ini, kayak sakit hati yang terluka karena cinta (halah, bahasanya itu lah! :P)
Ngerasa kalo ada rasa yang belum tersampaikan dan ngebuat sakit.
Aneh banget. Serasa dejavu yang berulang kali.
Emang kedengarannya kayak teenager banget yah,
But, well that is happen to me.

Bingung, sedih, pengen nangis,
Padahal gak tau juga kenapa BISA ngerasa gitu.

Lebih anehnya, kayak ngerasa KANGEN..
Dan berasa ada yang MISS di hati aku.

Apapun yang terjadi selanjutnya,
Life’s go on.
Walo ngerasa gini, dan gak dapat jawabannya.
Jarum jam terus berjalan.

Moving on, just like Andine said.

And if you know,
When you get up from all time low.
I’m just piece.

Cuma kata-kata yang numpang lewat.


i called it with "techno"..

i quit surprise with that techno thing..
it can make people forget about they life.
their age, their job..

they laugh, smile..
looking a new chic or in my language say "berondong"

for me, it is quite a strength thing.
how techno can make people life can change.
